How are you managing news, alerts & emergency notifications at your school or across your district? If you have multiple vendors and systems for managing clocks, digital signage, severe weather alerts, fire alarms or lockdown notifications, then you’re spending a lot of time and money managing that complexity!
What’s more, many of your systems may not communicate with each other, leaving you with an unconnected network that can’t meet your daily notification needs now – or during an emergency.
In this succinct and informative webinar, Tim Fossey and Chuck Olson provide a closer look into the features, benefits and real-life results of our EverAlert emergency communication platform:
Multi-functional platform delivers synchronized time, customizable daily announcements, and emergency notifications for lockdowns, severe weather, fire drills and more.
Our new Dynamic View allows you to get EverAlert technology onto your existing display screens, no matter the size
Connectivity and integration considerations
- …and more!